
Former US First Lady Michelle and ex-President Barack Obama urged voters at the DNC to vote for Kamala Harris., Video Duration 01 minutes 11 seconds NewsFeed “Hope is making a comeback”. Former US First Lady Michelle and ex-President Barack Obama spoke at the Democratic convention in Chicago to urge votersContinue Reading


Today, CODEPINK, along with other pro-Palestine activists, disrupted Governor Tim Walz during the Democratic National Convention’s Women’s Caucus, delivering a powerful message: “Gaza is a feminist issue.” You can access photos and videos of the disruption here. (please credit CODEPINK) During the disruption, activists highlighted the intrinsicconnection between feminist valuesContinue Reading


This year, the Democratic National Convention held its first-ever panel on Palestinian human rights. The panel came after persistent grassroots organizing against U.S. support for Israel’s assault on Gaza. We play excerpts, including from the Arab American Institute’s James Zogby, a former executive member of the Democratic National Committee; Dr.Continue Reading


I enjoy video poker games and I believe I know the odds and proper choices well enough to be able to sit at a machine and lose money at the slowest possible rate.  A couple weeks ago I stopped in at a casino to see how long I could makeContinue Reading


Increasing cases reported of deadly bacterial disease spread through contaminated water amid heavy rains., Lying on a hospital bed, Aisha Mohammed said she was suffering from cholera symptoms, an increasingly common disease in Sudan where a prolonged war has ravaged the healthcare system. Cholera, caused by contaminated water or food,Continue Reading