
Laura K. Field @ Politico: JD Vance Has a Bunch of Weird Views on Gender The one instinct that Vance and the rest of the New Right share is a deep skepticism about modern feminism and gender equality — or what the New Right calls “gender ideology.” Overt chauvinism thatContinue Reading


Radical right-wing activist Beverly Beatty, who first made a name for herself by vandalizing Black Lives Matter murals, has been sentenced to 41 months in prison for blocking access to reproductive health clinics. Dave Kubal gripes that “the progressive agenda is a horseless carriage careening off the cliff. In theContinue Reading


With the paltry rate of posting on Grits, you might have thought I was no longer writing. But I’m pleased to announce a new zine I’ve been working on over the past couple of years: A micro-history of a small, 100-year-old neighborhood grocery store 2 blocks from my home, inContinue Reading


Peter Brimelow announces that he is resigning from his role at VDARE and that the organization’s website is shutting down. Brian Brown reacted to Brimelow’s announcement by praising him as “an old friend and great man.” Jackson Lahmeyer says that fellow MAGA pastor Greg Locke is a “charlatan.” Ivan Raiklin,Continue Reading


Shane Vaughn calls President Joe Biden “the biggest coward in American history” for announcing that he will not run for reelection. Todd Starnes immediately went off the deep end: “Is President Biden still alive? Is he awake and alert? Is he in command of his faculties? With respect, we needContinue Reading


For folks in Austin, please come to Grits’ zine launch Sunday, July 23rd, from 2-4 p.m.. We’re going to record interviews w/ me and others by Congressman Greg Casar about the zine topic (the history of a neighborhood grocery store 2 blocks from my house that turns 100 years oldContinue Reading


Having taken all of 2023 off, my spouse absolving me of all income generation responsibilities for the year, I left this humble blog to lie fallow, checking in only to promote other interests. I still don’t know what the future holds for this lowly opuscule, but having had multiple reportersContinue Reading