
We all carry around heavy boulders that are invisible to the outside world. So, be kind today. Give grace to others. Let the little stuff slide. We might not be aware of the amount of weight they are carrying with them.Continue Reading


Don’t remember the password you set while installing Raspberry Pi OS? It happens. Raspberry Pi OS is set to auto login and doesn’t even need password while using sudo. Since you are hardly entering the password anywhere, it is only human that you’ll forget it. Resetting the Raspberry Pi OSContinue Reading


Real-Time Location Accurate Within Centimeters Made Possible With Murata’s LF Antennas. The need for accurate position information is growing and there are several communication systems and protocols to choose from for your application. UWB has recently become popular since it was adopted by Apple and supported in the iPhone. However,Continue Reading


Japanese electronics company TDK Electronics has extended its ERU27M series of SMD high current flat wire inductors comprising an isolated alloy powder core and flat wire helical winding. The series of four variants is designed to meet the requirements for higher power densities and currents in automotive and industrial applications,Continue Reading