
While some microbes can make people sick or spoil food, others are critical for survival. These tiny organisms can also be engineered to make specific molecules. Researchers have rewired one such microbe to help tackle greenhouse gases in the atmosphere: It takes in carbon dioxide (CO2) gas and produces mevalonate,Continue Reading


Conversations about crime data and police and prosecutor files most frequently pertain to the news of the moment: Did bail reform cause crime to increase? Was this or that police officer held accountable? Are black folks disproportionately stopped for traffic offenses? But lately your correspondent has undertaken a research projectContinue Reading


Re: “What it’s like to be a young voter in a red county in a blue state” [Aug. 28, Opinion]: As I read through the op-ed written by Grace Blethen, I was thoroughly impressed with her excellent grasp of the current political landscape. I would hate to debate her inContinue Reading


BBC Hector is now recovering at home in Nottinghamshire with his mother Natalie and the rest of his family A family’s dream holiday turned into a nightmare when severe sunburn left a 10-year-old boy requiring hospital treatment. Hector had been enjoying a sunshine break with his loved ones in CapeContinue Reading


Leadership dispute between rival governments leads to suspension of oil production., Inside Story Leadership dispute between rival governments leads to suspension of oil production. Libya’s central bank, which controls billions of dollars in oil revenue, is at the heart of the country’s latest political dispute. The bank’s governor has fledContinue Reading