
Engineers at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) have identified cybersecurity vulnerabilities in DC fast charging EVSE. In a laboratory, the SwRI team exploited vulnerabilities in the power line communication (PLC) layer that transmits smart-grid data between vehicles and charging equipment, gaining access to network keys and digital addresses on both theContinue Reading


With the party vibes at the Democratic National Convention fading, and attention turning to the ragged ten-week sprint to November, the punditocracy seems ready to declare an end to Kamala Harris’s honeymoon. Where, everyone wants to know, are her policy positions? The notion that she has none has been overstated,Continue Reading


As the war enters its 918th day, these are the main developments., As the war enters its 918th day, these are the main developments. Firefighters work at the site of an apartment building hit by a Russian air strike in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on August 30 [Stringer/Reuters] Here is the situationContinue Reading


i’m brewing up my new homepage idea! it’s going to be MUCH more weird and inconvenient!    it’s going well over all, but i discovered just now that even though my transition-property delays worked as expected in vscode’s in-program live preview, they don’t work at all if i open thatContinue Reading


An Australian study has found fish in freshwater lakes and rivers with traces of the anti-depressant, fluoxetine., Traces of the anti-depressant, fluoxetine – often better known by its commercial name, Prozac – have been detected by an Australian-Italian joint study of lakes and rivers, and may be affecting freshwater fish.Continue Reading