
Re: “New Starbucks CEO Brian Niccol’s pay package sends a signal” [Aug. 15, Business]: The only response to the deal Starbucks gave to Brian Niccol to increase its carbon footprint is never to buy from Starbucks. Another corporate CEO commuting by company jet is totally anti-climate. There are plenty ofContinue Reading


PM Trudeau says Ottawa acting to counter what he calls China’s intentional, state-directed policy of overcapacity., Ottawa to work with allies to ensure customers around the world are not unfairly penalised by nonmarket practices of countries such as China, PM Trudeau says. Canada, following the lead of the United States,Continue Reading


Right-wing pastor Paul Blair claims that he really hates liars: “When somebody can just look you in the eyes …. and lie intentionally trying to deceive, to me, that’s just about as disgusting and evil as you get.” Blair, of course, is a big fan of pathological liar Americas WorstContinue Reading


BBC Chris, one of the trained counsellors at the service, says she would not end a call if she didn’t feel she had helped People in crisis with mental health problems can now access services through NHS 111, giving them another way to get urgent help. It makes the NHSContinue Reading


U.N. Seeks “Immediate Deescalation” After Israel and Hezbollah Exchange Heavy Fire, Human Rights Watch: Israel Has Tortured Detained Palestinian Medical Workers, No Deal Yet as Ceasefire Talks Continue in Egypt, Russia Launches Wave of Attacks on Ukraine, Member of Reuters Team Killed in Russian Attack on Ukrainian Hotel, Two JournalistsContinue Reading


A new study finds more than half of adults surveyed worldwide expect to be seriously harmed by their water within the next two years. The study sought to understand public perceptions of drinking water safety. Because perceptions shape attitudes and behaviors, distrust in water quality has a negative impact onContinue Reading


While Canadian oil companies and their lobbyists have scrubbed mentions of carbon capture from their websites amid greenwashing concerns, Canadian government officials continue repeating unproven claims about the controversial technology. Various government ministers, including environment minister Steven Guilbeault, have championed carbon capture (CCS) technology in recent press announcements and socialContinue Reading