
Afghanistan’s Taliban government formally adopts a set of morality laws, including requiring women to cover their faces., Inside Story Afghanistan’s Taliban government formally adopts a set of morality laws, including requiring women to cover their faces. When the Taliban swept back into power three years ago, it took over aContinue Reading


Five Years Ago This week in 2019, Beto O’Rourke (remember him?) joined the silly parade of politicians looking to destroy Section 230, while the Wall Street Journal was rightly calling out Josh Hawley’s “nannyish” internet law ideas. A Russian troll farm was taking a second shot at suing Facebook afterContinue Reading


Re: “Dr. Michael Copass — gentle giant in Northwest health care” [Aug. 17, Opinion]: I was fortunate enough to know Mike Copass well, and to work with him on and off over 50 years. His quirks are well known and have been described by others. But the thing he shouldContinue Reading


The following story is co-published with Freddie deBoer’s Substack. Let’s start with the caveat that all of these numbers have likely moved meaningfully in Kamala Harris’ direction due to the convention, but convention bounces usually fade. What am I missing here? Above is the latest polling breakdown from the New York Times. As you might notice,Continue Reading


‘Our daughter should not have died from Covid jab’ BBC Marina Waldron, 21, died of complications after being given the AstraZeneca Covid jab The parents of a young woman who died after being given an AstraZeneca Covid jab have accused the NHS of failing to pass on known safety warningsContinue Reading


I’m not personally a fan of Kamala Harris’ rhetorical style. Still, it’s far, far better than The Traitor’s. I remain unclear about what Kamala Harris plans to do with the office. Then again, will The Traitor follow the Project 2025 roadmap or do whatever pops into his head at anyContinue Reading


 Sonnet Variation: Alfred Austin’s “Here, Where the Vine and Fig Bask Hand in Hand” Here, where the vine and fig bask hand in handand luxury vines across the stone wall,where rain of a sudden makes its falland nothing in earth or heaven is bland,the days are self-building, and are notContinue Reading


Abdel Fattah al-Burhan says US-backed peace negotiations in Swiss capital aimed to ‘whitewash’ RSF paramilitaries., Abdel Fattah al-Burhan says US-backed peace negotiations in Swiss capital aimed to ‘whitewash’ RSF paramilitaries. Sudan’s de facto ruler, army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, has said his government would not join peace talks in Switzerland, sayingContinue Reading


The students were on their way to a convention in Benue State when they were kidnapped by gunmen., The students were on their way to a convention in Benue State when they were kidnapped by gunmen. Twenty Nigerian medical students who were kidnapped on their way to a convention haveContinue Reading