
Ctrl-Alt-Speech is a weekly podcast about the latest news in online speech, from Mike Masnick and Everything in Moderation‘s Ben Whitelaw. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify, Pocket Casts, YouTube, or your podcast app of choice — or go straight to the RSS feed. In this week’s round-up ofContinue Reading

Japanese company to deorbit big hunk of space junk by 2029

(Image credit: Astroscale) Japanese space-sustainability company Astroscale just inked a $90 million deal to take a bus-sized rocket stage out of orbit by the end of the decade. The pioneering project, funded by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency ( JAXA ), is a continuation of Astroscale’s ADRAS-J mission , which recently completed an up-close orbitalContinue Reading

StarFOX autonomous satellite swarm could level up space exploration

An artist’s visualization of the StarFOX swarm. (Image credit: NASA/Blue Canyon Technologies) Scientists are trying to build a new sort of satellite, and have recently tested their idea with the Starling Formation-Flying Optical Experiment, or “StarFOX.” You may be getting flashbacks to the retro Star Fox video game series — and you’d be right toContinue Reading