
The West Bank has been occupied by Israel since 1967, but not everyone understands what that means., Israel’s assault on refugee camps in the occupied West Bank has dominated headlines. Israel has killed at least 20 people since it launched its attacks on the towns and refugee camps at Jenin,Continue Reading


Recent reporting from the New York Times highlighted efforts by Wall Street executives and Silicon Valley donors to convince Vice President Harris to drop taxation of the ultra-wealthy from her agenda. In response, Morris Pearl, Chair of the Patriotic Millionaires and a former managing director at BlackRock, Inc., released theContinue Reading


Hello people, my name is Connor!! I’m an old-tech loving nerd from The Keystone State (that’s what I like calling my home state of Pennsylvania) who’s in his 20s. My interests include coding, music, film-making, discovering and trying out old pieces of tech, gaming, cooking, and ice hockey. I startedContinue Reading


Sentiments towards the EU expressed by some civil society actors increasingly overlap with those of anti-EU forces., Over the past few years, attitudes towards accession to the European Union in Western Balkan candidate states have been increasingly negative. In countries like Serbia, the desire to join the union has slumpedContinue Reading