
Introduction Cancer is a leading cause of mortality worldwide. In 2020, an estimated 19.3 million new cancers were diagnosed and about 10 million people died from the disease[1]. Because of the strong public interest in cancer cures, many claims of miraculous therapies are popular on the Internet. These cures areContinue Reading


Recently, I was asked by a friend and colleague if I were interested in speaking together at a conference. I was pleasantly surprised because I hadn’t contributed much to the project they were presenting, but I expressed interest. We met to discuss the presentation, and that’s when I learned theContinue Reading


A Working Class Candidate And A Renter In The State Senate There are 7,383 state legislators in the country— 1,972 state senators and 5,411 state reps. Until today, Blue America had endorsed a dozen out of these 7,383. Today we endorsed another, incumbent state Senator Tanya Vyhovsky. We didn’t justContinue Reading