
Bingo! (Presidential debate edition) Campaigns can be a jargony slog. And this year, we are seeing a lot of economic terms being thrown around, many of which… aren’t entirely straightforward. In this episode, we try to make the mess of words that accompany a presidential campaign into something a littleContinue Reading


Today, Common Cause, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, United Church of Christ Media Justice Ministry, and a number of other concerned organizations, filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in a rulemaking urging the agency to address disclosure and transparency of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content inContinue Reading


Christian nationalist state Sen. Dusty Deevers and several other elected officials have launched the Oklahoma Freedom Caucus, with the backing of U.S. Rep. Josh Brecheen. Jim Bakker warns that if Kamala Harris is elected, “all the Christians will be taken off the air.” Operation Rescue defends Americas Worst Traitor’s flip-floppingContinue Reading


In addition to being a Hitler–loving racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, homophobic Christian nationalist fascist, white nationalist Nick Fuentes was also deeply involved in the “Stop The Steal” movement following the 2020 election and was outside the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection. While Fuentes was once a zealous supporter ofContinue Reading


Some residents see the rugged terrain, harsh weather and vast, unpopulated spaces as inappropriate for EVs, but politics is at least as big an obstacle to electrified transportation in the Cowboy State. By Najifa Farhat Back in 2018, Michael Patterson was one of the first people to own an electricContinue Reading