
One of the ways I like to do development is to build something, click around a ton, make tweaks, click around more, more tweaks, more clicks, etc., until I finally consider it done. The clicking around a ton is the important part. If it’s a page transition, that means goingContinue Reading


The group said the blast targeted the Taliban’s prosecution service to ‘avenge Muslims’ held in its prisons., The group said the blast targeted the Taliban’s prosecution service to ‘avenge Muslims’ held in its prisons. The ISIS (ISIL) group has claimed responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing in Kabul that killedContinue Reading


The Bangladeshi nationals were sentenced to long prison terms for protesting against the unrest in their home country., The Bangladeshi nationals were sentenced to long prison terms for protesting against the unrest in their home country. The president of the United Arab Emirates has pardoned 57 Bangladeshi citizens jailed forContinue Reading


Pakistan has invited Indian PM Narendra Modi to the upcoming SCO summit in Islamabad. Modi is unlikely to attend., Islamabad, Pakistan – The invitations have all gone out. But when Pakistan hosts the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit next month, there’s one guest above all others whose presence or absence willContinue Reading