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UAE on track to launch bold 7-asteroid mission in 2028

Artist’s impression of the United Arab Emirates’ MBR Explorer asteroid-studying spacecraft. (Image credit: UAE Space Agency) BOULDER, Colorado — The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Space Agency is moving forward on a one-after-another mission to the main asteroid belt.  The probe will conduct high-speed flybys of six asteroids , completing the spectacular sojourn with a rendezvousContinue Reading

Dressing for the Final Frontier: What Can You Wear in Space?

Imagine packing for a trip to space. Your suitcase would contain apparel that is much different from your usual vacation gear. Instead of swimsuits, flip-flops, and sun hats, you’ll need life-supporting attire — gear that can protect you from the vacuum of space, extreme temperatures, and harmful radiation. But what do astronauts really wear inContinue Reading


Children were among the dead in the strike on the historic centre of western Ukraine close to Poland’s border., A Russian air attack on Ukraine’s western city of Lviv has killed seven people, including three children, according to Ukrainian officials. Moscow has stepped up its aerial attacks after Ukraine’s surpriseContinue Reading

May 2src23 Big Tech’s Multinational Corporations (MNCs) work to bolster the Israeli occupation economy through the provision of infrastructure, technology, knowledge, and products to both civil and military institutions. Who Profits’ new Dynamic Report centralizes profiles of the Tech MNCs facilitating Israel’s violations of human rights of occupied Palestinian and Syrian communities…Continue Reading