
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) might no longer be in the trend. But, it will always be a part of the communication platform, even when you read this article in 2050 or more. It was popular back in the 2000s, and some still prefer it over modern chat clients like SlackContinue Reading


Governor Jared Polis and the Colorado Department of Transportation recently announced $31.7 million in grant funding to local governments, transit agencies and nonprofits for the purchase of 28 new electric transit vehicles. The Colorado Clean Transit Enterprise (CTE) will provide $15 million for the initiative, and the remaining $16.7 millionContinue Reading


Sponsored by Chroma. What is non-invasive analysis? The analysis of lithium-ion battery cell degradation can be classified into invasive and non-invasive methods, with non-invasive analysis offering the following advantages: Evidence of battery degradation can be retained in its entirety; Minimizing the effect of external factors on the battery state andContinue Reading


With college students returning to campus, and the brutal war in Gaza continuing unabated, many schools—including mine—are bracing for renewed protests. As president of Wesleyan University in Connecticut, I have already received demands from Pro-Palestinian undergraduates—not to mention emails from students, parents, and alumni demanding that I silence those undergraduates.Continue Reading


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