
Why are doctors wary of wearables? Oura Smart rings have built-in sensors that monitor the wearer’s heart rate and other health issues Wearable tech – currently dominated by smart watches – is a multi-billion dollar industry with a sharp focus on health tracking. Many premium products claim to accurately trackContinue Reading


ICE has never been opposed to mass surveillance. It has used everything it possibly can to locate The Traitor’s so-called “bad hombres” and subject them to family separation and a detainment infrastructure incapable of handling the former president’s (and now President-elect) masturbatorial fantasies about “border invasions.” ICE buys location infoContinue Reading


If you’re an avid user of the Discord Linux app and been annoyed that screen share audio doesn’t work, there’s good news: it now does! The latest version of Discord for Linux at long last includes the option to ‘share system audio’ when setting up a screen share to streamContinue Reading