
Israel’s army has told Palestinians being displaced from Rafah where they should go. They say the areas are unlivable., NewsFeed Israel’s army has told Palestinians being forcibly displaced from Rafah where they should go, leaving many to choose between an overcrowded strip of scrubland without amenities or neighbourhoods turned toContinue Reading


Current models show oil demand staying steady for decades. Without new policies, consumption could remain strong. By Nicholas Kusnetz This year is likely to bring two seemingly incongruous milestones. Sales of electric vehicles will hit an all-time high, and so will global oil consumption. It is as if the transitionContinue Reading


Ryvid, the Southern California-based manufacturer of the popular Ryvid Anthem electric motorcycle, has just launched its second model based on the same platform. The new Ryvid Outset, priced at just $5,995, is set to become the most affordable highway-capable electric motorcycle in the US. At the same time, the companyContinue Reading


Q&A with Leviton’s Andrew Taddoni. The “house of the future” is a perennial American theme—from the Homes of Tomorrow Exhibition at the 1933 World’s Fair to The Jetsons, futurists have predicted a proliferation of labor-saving devices and home entertainment options. Nowadays, the focus is increasingly on the energy that theseContinue Reading


Sponsored by Power2Drive. Renewable energies, energy storage and e-mobility play a central role in achieving climate protection targets. As efficient and environmentally friendly mobility solutions, electric vehicles have an important contribution to make to the energy transition. Power2Drive highlights the significance of electric cars for the energy mix and transportContinue Reading


NEW: Playlists & Library Collections are now available via the public API NEW: Added Seek Gesture setting to Server Side Settings for iOS client NEW: Server Side Settings update. Library section has been renamed Home. IMPROVED: Adaptive Bitrate handling for remote streams of HDHomeRun-based channels by more accurately calculating streamContinue Reading