
Those mobilising against the Israeli genocide face exhaustion and burnout. This is part of Israel’s attrition strategy., When in early October we, Palestinians, laid out to the world what was going to happen, our testimonies and foresight were seen as an exaggeration. Our warnings of Israel’s terrifying enthusiasm for usingContinue Reading

Slashdot reader Mononymous writes: The latest release of OpenBSD, the FOSS Unix-like operating system focused on correctness and security over features and performance, has been released. This version includes newer driver support, performance improvements, stability fixes, and lots of package updates. One highlight is a complete port of KDE PlasmaContinue Reading

Does it seem like your Python projects are getting bigger and bigger? Are you feeling the pain as your codebase expands and gets tougher to debug and maintain? Python is an easy language to learn and use, but that also means systems can quickly grow beyond comprehension. Thankfully, Python hasContinue Reading