
Some Democrats panic over Biden’s future as the party’s presumptive nominee., Some Democrats panic over Biden’s future as the party’s presumptive nominee. Many Democrats in the United States are questioning whether President Joe Biden is the right person to head the party’s ticket in the November election. His lacklustre debateContinue Reading


Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s party is expected to lose the July 4 election after 14 years of Conservative rule., Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s party is expected to lose the July 4 election after 14 years of Conservative rule. Vote counting is under way in the United Kingdom’s snap general electionContinue Reading


National broadcasting regulator said major online streaming services must contribute 5% of their Canada revenues., Global streaming companies have said they were challenging new Canadian rules that oblige them to help pay for local news, saying Canada’s federal government had acted unreasonably and provided no legal basis for the demand. TheContinue Reading