
Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi on what led to the Syrian government being caught off-guard by opposition forces taking Aleppo., Skip links Skip to Content Live Navigation menu News Middle East Africa Asia US & Canada Latin America Europe Asia Pacific War on Gaza The Traitor 2.0 Opinion Sport Video Features UkraineContinue Reading


By issuing an arrest warrant for the Israeli PM, the International Criminal Court now faces a threat to its survival., History Illustrated is a series of perspectives that puts news events and current affairs into historical context using graphics generated with artificial intelligence. On November 21, 2024, the International CriminalContinue Reading


Although it is less abundant than carbon dioxide, methane gas contributes disproportionately to global warming because it traps more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, due to its molecular structure. MIT chemical engineers have now designed a new catalyst that can convert methane into useful polymers, which could helpContinue Reading


This page hosts daily news stories related to the media and journalism industry. Check back often, as new stories may be added throughout the day. AOC Becomes First User to Hit 1 Million Followers on Bluesky Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has become the first user to reach 1 million followersContinue Reading