
Images of coastal houses being carried off into the sea due to eroding coastlines and powerful storm surges are becoming more commonplace as climate change brings a rising sea level coupled with more powerful storms. In the U.S. alone, coastal storms caused $165 billion in losses in 2022. Now, aContinue Reading


It can be hard to connect a certain amount of average global warming with one’s everyday experience, so researchers at MIT have devised a different approach to quantifying the direct impact of climate change. Instead of focusing on global averages, they came up with the concept of “outdoor days”: theContinue Reading


The world’s leading climate diplomats, scientists and policy experts convene in Baku, Azerbaijan, this week to begin the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29). Framed as the “finance COP”, this year’s summit will be defined by negotiations around the amount of public money dedicated to tackling climate change. LessContinue Reading