
For folks in Austin, please come to Grits’ zine launch Sunday, July 23rd, from 2-4 p.m.. We’re going to record interviews w/ me and others by Congressman Greg Casar about the zine topic (the history of a neighborhood grocery store 2 blocks from my house that turns 100 years oldContinue Reading


Having taken all of 2023 off, my spouse absolving me of all income generation responsibilities for the year, I left this humble blog to lie fallow, checking in only to promote other interests. I still don’t know what the future holds for this lowly opuscule, but having had multiple reportersContinue Reading


My mind has only partially been on anything criminal-justice related, lately, as I finished up the second of my little neighborhood history zines (pre-sale coming soon), and settled back in to Austin routines during the holiday season, after 4.5 months in Mexico. But as 2024 unfolds, here are six observationsContinue Reading


My next neighborhood history zine, Icarus in Heels and Fur, comes out February 22nd. Without exaggeration, I think it may be the best thing I’ve ever written. Pre-order here. This one is essentially a noir murder mystery from the 1940s: When, after her husband’s murder, a petite but ruthless widow buildsContinue Reading