
The hospital was my dream workplace, but it turned into a place of death and despair., When I started studying nursing at Al Azhar University, I knew I wanted to work at al-Shifa Hospital. It was my dream. It was the biggest, most prestigious hospital in the Gaza Strip. SomeContinue Reading

Economists and business leaders have regularly pointed to consumer spending as a good sign for the economy. Understandably why, because about 69% of gross domestic product — GDP, the typical economic measure — is consumer spending. A red flag of credit card defaults has gone up that should make everyone take much greater care. WhyContinue Reading


My experiences with private-sector package delivery are, to put it mildly, not the best. As I write this, I’m watching and fretting over a package that is supposed to be delivered to my apartment by FedEx, which only occasionally manages to locate me despite the several decades of experience I’mContinue Reading