
Videos show cars being washed away and communities under water after major flooding in China., Video Duration 00 minutes 45 seconds NewsFeed Videos show cars being washed away and communities under water after major flooding in China which has led to 100,000 people being moved out of their homes. PublishedContinue Reading


India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been accused of hate speech targeting Muslims., Skip links Skip to Content Live Navigation menu News Middle East Africa Asia US & Canada Latin America Europe Asia Pacific Israel War on Gaza Features Opinion Video Economy Ukraine war Coronavirus Climate Crisis Investigations Interactives InContinue Reading


Well that was blessedly quick. Less than a week after NBC said it would pay fascist bootlicker and election liar Ronna McDaniel to bootlick and lie on air – and a day after its employees loudly protested the move – NBC, citing their “legitimate concerns,” said oops never mind andContinue Reading


Loading… To better understand the landscape for the presidential election with a little more than six months to go, here is our initial Electoral Vote map of the cycle. It focuses on the states that are expected to be most competitive in the effort by the campaigns to get toContinue Reading