
This article showcases the best features of the Ubuntu 24.04 LTS release (upcoming). Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, code named “Noble Numbat” is currently under development. The beta release is out now, and it got a little delayed due to the xz vulnerability problem. Being a “Long term support” release, a lotContinue Reading


It’s always sad to see a long-standing bit of open-source software put itself out to pasture (a euphemism for going way of the dodo, which is a metaphor becoming extinct or obsolete, which together are needless inclusions for the start a news post). A few weeks back the iconic IRCContinue Reading


Vitamin B1 is an essential micronutrient for human beings. Its deficiency is the cause of numerous diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Researchers have achieved a significant advance in the fight against vitamin B1 deficiency, frequently associated with a rice-based diet. By specifically targeting the nourishing tissues of theContinue Reading


As the war enters its 778th day, these are the main developments., As the war enters its 778th day, these are the main developments. Ukrainian servicemen from the Azov brigade rest in the trenches on the front line near Kreminna [Alex Babenko/AP] Here is the situation on Friday, April 12,Continue Reading