
A team at Penn State has reported using cold sintering to reprocess solid-state composite electrolytes. According to research published in an open-access paper in the journal ChemSusChem, the technique was used to reprocess Mg- and Sr-doped Li7La3Zr2O12 with polypropylene carbonate (PPC) and lithium perchlorate (LLZO–PPC–LiClO4).  The low sintering temperature allowsContinue Reading


Victor Manuel Rocha conducted one of the longest-lasting infiltrations of the US government, Justice Department said., Victor Manuel Rocha conducted one of the longest-lasting infiltrations of the US government, the Justice Department said. Victor Manuel Rocha, a former United States diplomat, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison afterContinue Reading

In two recent papers, an international team of scientists describes the first known nitrogen-fixing organelle within a eukaryotic cell, which the researchers are calling a nitroplast. Phys.Org reports: The discovery of the organelle involved a bit of luck and decades of work. In 1998, Jonathan Zehr, a UC Santa CruzContinue Reading


From the Class Dismissed Podcast: Transform Your Science Class “In the ever-evolving education landscape, we must reconsider what we prioritize in our science classrooms. Melanie Trecek-King, an advocate for progressive teaching methods and the founder of, offers invaluable insights into reshaping science education for the betterment of students and society.Continue Reading