
Jim Moske Deaths of Artists Blast Books, 128 pages, $40 Like newspaper crime blotters, I’ve long held that public obituaries are a sadly unheralded literary subgenre. While blotter entries condense a novel’s worth of human drama and conflict into a hundred-word narrative, obituaries serve a very different and much trickierContinue Reading


Whistleblower lawyer on Assange extradition: ‘It would affect publishers, journalists, bloggers, anyone – me and you.’, UpFront Whistleblower lawyer on Assange extradition: ‘It would affect publishers, journalists, bloggers, anyone – me and you.’ As the world commemorates Press Freedom Day, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange remains detained in a high-security prisonContinue Reading


Foreign Minister Baerbock says group of hackers called APT28 is steered by Russia’s military intelligence service., Foreign Minister Baerbock says group of hackers called APT28 is steered by Russia’s military intelligence service. Germany has blamed “state-sponsored” Russian hackers for an “intolerable” cyberattack on members of the Social Democratic Party (SPD)Continue Reading


With the paltry rate of posting on Grits, you might have thought I was no longer writing. But I’m pleased to announce a new zine I’ve been working on over the past couple of years: A micro-history of a small, 100-year-old neighborhood grocery store 2 blocks from my home, inContinue Reading


In this tutorial, we will give you an overview about COSMIC DE and its features, and then we will walk you through the steps to install COSMIC Desktop Environment in Fedora 40 Linux system. The post How To Install COSMIC Desktop Environment On Fedora 40 appeared first on OSTechNix., ReadContinue Reading