
I did a test drive of the dev version of the Cosmic desktop from System76. Here’s a first look with many wonderful details. Cosmic desktop (cosmic-epoch) is a new desktop environment being developed by computer manufacturer System76 for the Linux distribution Pop OS. It’s been under development for some timeContinue Reading


France’s Pacific Islands territory has been rocked by riots for nearly a week over planned electoral reforms., A street is blocked by debris and burned items following overnight unrest in the Magenta district of Noumea, in France’s Pacific Islands territory of New Caledonia, on Saturday. [Delphine Mayeur/AFP] Mass protests eruptedContinue Reading


Drones are being used to replant degraded areas of forest in Brazil – how successful have they been so far?, Santa Cruz Cabralia, Bahia, Brazil – With a loud whir, the drone takes flight. Minutes later, the humming sound gives way to a distinctive rattling as the machine, hovering aboutContinue Reading