
In light of recent policies aimed at preventing the arrival in the EU of individuals seeking international protection and safety, OVER 40 humanitarian and human rights organizations working to protect the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, call on EU member states and the European Commission to respect EUContinue Reading


In “Boeing, Machinists returning to task of making jets” (Page A1, Nov. 11),  the only real losers of the strike — the workers of the companies that supply Boeing and the Machinists with the parts they use to build their jets — are  mentioned only in passing. The small machineContinue Reading

Schumer’s AI road map might take GOP detour

Portions of Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s artificial intelligence “road map” may survive into the new Congress, but legislation stemming from it will favor industry while downplaying civil rights, according to technology and data privacy experts. The 31-page Senate blueprint, titled Driving U.S. Innovation in Artificial Intelligence…Continue Reading