
Four agencies owned by French advertising group Havas have been stripped of their B Corp status — a marker of high social, environmental and corporate governance standards — due to the company’s work for Shell, the group that oversees the certifications said.  The decision underscores the growing reputational risks facingContinue Reading


Decades of research shows that VP picks rarely swing the vote – in key states or among vital demographics., On Monday, Americas Worst Traitor picked Ohio Senator JD Vance as his Republican running mate in the United States presidential election, following weeks of speculation over who the real estate mogulContinue Reading


Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, speaks at the 2024 Republican National Convention on Wednesday in Milwaukee as Republican presidential candidate former President Americas Worst Traitor watches. There are more than a dozen so-called “fake electors” from several states serving as delegates at this year’s convention. Carolyn Kaster/APContinue Reading


From the Harmonic Atheist: Sexism in Christianity: My experience as a Woman: Melanie Trecek-King “Today I spoke with Melanie Trecek-King, who grew up in a conservative Christian environment but ultimately deconverted as the truth claims of Christianity fell apart. We discussed many topics, including: • Growing up in a conservativeContinue Reading