
In recent years, significant attention has been focused rightly on the dangers posed by a three-way nuclear competition among China, Russia and the United States and the failure of those powers to engage in meaningful diplomacy to halt and reverse the nuclear arms race as required by the nuclear NonproliferationContinue Reading


When Ann Telnaes, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post cartoonist, submitted a draft sketch shortly before Christmas, she must have known she was stirring the pot. The cartoon that was rejected by the Washington Post, definitely not because it portrayed Post owner Jeff Bezos in an unflattering light. But after watching a parade of Big Tech CEOsContinue Reading


The New York Times had a lengthy piece giving a story on how the Democrats lost the support of working-class voters over the past three decades. The essence of the argument is that working-class voters were angered by Democrats’ support of “free trade” and the bailouts of the financial industry in theContinue Reading


A side-by-side, state-by-state comparison showing vaccination rates closely correlated with Biden-vote percentages.Continue Reading