
Exclusives Modern world’s security myths fall apart in Ukraine. When Russian boots crossed Ukrainian borders, Ukrainians learned what the West had long forgotten: security and freedom do not endure without a price. I am confident Russia will lose this year. Here’s why. Russia is losing across every domain of warfare—land,Continue Reading


Dear Kagi Community, Remember those t-shirts we promised ( ) ? Well, hold onto your search bars, because they’re finally ready to ship! TL;DR: Kagi Store ( ). ( ) And let’s just say, the journey to get here was a bit more of an “adventure” thanContinue Reading


Ctrl-Alt-Speech is a weekly podcast about the latest news in online speech, from Mike Masnick and Everything in Moderation‘s Ben Whitelaw. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify, Pocket Casts, YouTube, or your podcast app of choice — or go straight to the RSS feed. In this week’s round-up ofContinue Reading


The Podcast for Inquiry is the Centre for Inquiry Canada’s podcast for “scientific, skeptical, secular, rational, and humanistic inquiry.” Episode: Melanie Trecek-King defines and discusses critical thinking” “Many people – especially those in skeptical organizations like CFIC – talk about the importance of critical thinking. But what is it? HowContinue Reading


“It’s its own beast that we now want to study on its own and deserves its own recognition, awareness and characterization,” says one professor who studies the psychological and social impacts of wildfires. Interview by Jenni Doering, Living on Earth From our collaborating partner Living on Earth, public radio’s environmentalContinue Reading